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By advivusteam | Dec 13, 2023 | 10 minute read | Blog

Micro and Nano-Influencers: The Future of Influencer Marketing

If you want to increase online brand awareness, consumer trust, and sales, you may want to consider influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that entails collaborating with influential individuals who have a large and engaged following on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc. The objective is to promote your brand, product, or service to their audience and produce favorable results. Although there is no one size fits all approach to influencer marketing. To achieve your goals and build your brand, you must identify the appropriate influencers. Moreover, size is not always better in today’s cutthroat and crowded industry. In reality, to reach their target consumers, more and more firms are relying on micro and nano-influencers, who have more specialized, niche audiences with smaller but more devoted followings.

However, what exactly are micro and nano-influencers, and why are they the future of influencer marketing? How can you identify them and effectively collaborate with them? And what are the most effective methods and tools for a micro- or nano-influencer marketing campaign? We hope to address all of these concerns and more in the following article. We will also provide some case studies of successful brands that have utilized micro and nano-influencers.

What are Micro and Nano-Influencers?

Micro-influencers are people on social media who have between 10,000 and 100,000 followers on one or more platforms. Typically, they specialize in a specific area of expertise, such as fashion, fitness, travel, cosmetics, gaming, etc. They are seen as authorities or professionals in their field and enjoy a high level of audience trust and engagement.

Social media users who have fewer than 10,000 followers across one or more platforms are known as nano-influencers. They typically feature a mix of more diverse and individualized information, including lifestyle, family, interests, etc. Their fans feel like they can relate to and trust them, and they have a close, personal relationship with them.

Compared to macro-influencers (those with over 100,000 followers) and mega-influencers (those with over 1 million followers), both micro and nano-influencers have a smaller but more specialized reach. They also have different advantages and disadvantages that we will discuss in the next section.

Working with Micro and Nano Influencers: Advantages and Challenges

Working with micro- and nano-influencers may benefit brands in a number of ways, including:

Greater engagement:

According to an Aspire study, the average engagement rate for micro-influencers is 3.86%, while the average engagement rate for nano-influencers is 4.01%. The engagement rate of macro-influencers (1.21%) and mega-influencers (0.35%) is far lower than this. As a result, micro and nano-influencers can help your brand get more likes, comments, shares, clicks, etc.

Increased authenticity:

According to a survey conducted by Stackla, 86% of consumers value authenticity when determining which brands to like and support. Micro and nano-influencers are typically more authentic and credible than larger influencers because they are more likely to use and recommend products that they genuinely like and use. In addition, their opinions and evaluations tend to be more sincere and objective, which resonates with their audience.

Increased conversion:

30% of consumers are more inclined to purchase a product if it is recommended by a non-famous blogger than a star, according to a survey by Collective Bias. This is due to the fact that smaller influencers, such as micro- and nano-influencers, have a greater impact on the purchasing decisions of their audiences. They have more personal and actual connections with their followers, higher engagement rates, and more targeted and niche audiences. These factors increase the credibility and relevance of their recommendations for their followers. Additionally, they can produce more specialized content for your company that is relevant to their audience’s wants and tastes.

Lower price:

A study found that the average cost per post for micro-influencers is $172 and the average cost per post for nano-influencers is $114. This is considerably less expensive than the typical post cost for macro- or mega-influencers ($1,405) or ($2,085). This indicates that investing in micro- and nano-influencers can increase your brand’s return on investment (ROI).

However, there are some difficulties when working with micro and nano-influencers, such as:

Choosing the appropriate influencers:

It can be time-consuming and challenging to locate the ideal micro or nano-influencers for your brand. To find influencers who are the appropriate fit for your company in terms of niche, audience size, demographics, location, values, etc., you must conduct in-depth research. To make sure they are appropriate for your campaign, you should also check their quality, reputation, engagement rate, etc.

Managing the relationship:

It might be difficult and hard to manage the relationship with micro- or nano-influencers. To make sure people comprehend the vision and messaging of your brand, you must properly express your objectives, goals, guidelines, deadlines, deliverables, etc. To keep them engaged and satisfied, you must also give them feedback, encouragement, rewards, etc.

Analyzing the outcomes:

It might be difficult and imprecise to determine the success of your micro- or nano-influencer marketing campaign. To assess the effectiveness and impact of your campaign, you must measure and analyze a variety of metrics, including reach, impressions, engagement, clicks, conversions, sales, and income. You also need to use various platforms and tools to gather and compare data from various sources. Here are a few platforms and tools for measuring the outcome of your micro- or nano-influencer marketing campaign.

  1. Awario
  2. HypeAuditor
  3. GRIN
  4. Emplifi.io

Finding and Working with Micro- and Nano-Influencers

Finding and working with micro- and nano-influencers might be challenging, but if done well, it can also be beneficial. Here are some guidelines and recommendations to help you identify and work well with micro- and nano-influencers:

Set priorities and a budget:

Determine your campaign’s objectives and budget before you start looking for micro or nano-influencers. What objectives do you expect to achieve with this campaign? Which key performance indicators (KPIs) are utilized? What kind of budget do you have for your campaign? You can use these queries to focus your search and establish reasonable goals for your campaign.

Utilize platforms and tools:

To identify and work with micro or nano-influencers, you can utilize a variety of tools and platforms. Several of these platforms and tools include:

  • InBeat: Using the platform InBeat, you can find and get in touch with micro-influencers in any industry and region. Influencers can be filtered by platform, category, location, number of followers, engagement rate, etc. You can view their profile information, previous works, audience profiles, etc. Personalized emails may be sent to influencers using InBeat, and you can monitor their answers.
  • Upfluence: Using the platform Upfluence, you can find micro-influencers on numerous platforms. You may look up influencers using keywords, filters, hashtags, mentions, and other search criteria and view information about their profiles and audiences. Upfluence can be used to organize campaigns, connect with influencers, track their effectiveness, and more.
  • AspireIQ: AspireIQ is a platform that helps you discover and collaborate with Instagram micro-influencers. You can browse influencers by category, location, followers, engagement rate, etc. and view their profile information, content samples, and audience analytics, among other things. You can also use AspireIQ to create and administer your campaigns, communicate with influencers, approve their content, measure their results, etc.


Micro- and nano-influencers are what influencer marketing will look like in the future. They offer several benefits for brands, such as higher engagement, higher authenticity, higher conversion, and lower cost. Ready to harness the potential of micro and nano-influencers for your brand? Dive deeper with our comprehensive guide on Advivus Influencer Marketing. Transform your marketing approach and connect with these emerging stars today!

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Written by advivusteam

advivusteam is an online marketing specialist and copywriter for Advivus. She has worked intensively with SEO and copywriting for several years in the US market and has since worked for an online marketing agency helping clients to succeed with their online marketing efforts.

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